Theater Arts
What is the Central Point School District 6 Middle School Drama Club?
The Central Point D6 Middle School Drama Club at Scenic Middle School is a process-oriented after-school drama club in which students rehearse and perform a scripted play. Students in Drama Club learn the basics acting, stage movement, choreography, stagecraft, self discipline and the importance of hard work, creativity and imaginative play, listening and observation skills, and self confidence. Drama Club students can audition and participate in three productions throughout the school year. For more information, please see the schedule of events and activities on the back. Students who participate in the D6 Middle School Drama Club are eligible to become inducted Jr. Thespian Honor Society members.
Who can join the Drama Club?
Drama Club is open to all 6th-8th grade students who attend Scenic Middle School and Hanby Middle School.
What does Drama Club do?
● Productions: Drama Club produces three productions each academic year. Auditions are open to all 6th-8th grade students who attend Scenic Middle School and Hanby Middle School. We produce one play, one musical and our Annual D6 Middle School Theatre Arts Spring Showcase.
● Meetings: At our bi-monthly meetings, we play drama games, build community and discuss upcoming events and opportunities.
When Does Drama Club Meet?
Drama Club meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 3:30-5pm at Scenic Middle School. Look for announcements in Parent Square for upcoming activities.
Are there any fees to be in Drama Club?
No. There is no cost to participate in Drama Club. However, for each production that produces, students are asked to pay a $25 costume fee to offset the cost of costumes for the production. This fee is not required to participate in a show.
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Campbell at